Data Management as a Service: New Opportunities to Scale Data Ops


Title: Data Management as a Service: New Opportunities to Scale Data Ops

Duration: 1 hour

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Faced with tough competition and ongoing pressure on margins, many firms are reviewing their operating models and assessing whether they can reallocate more resources to high-value projects by outsourcing commoditized processes, such as data operations. This trend is also being driven by the need for scalability, flexibility and local support.

During this webinar, Jon Chandler (Research Director, Cutter Associates) will provide an update on the adoption of managed data services in the investment industry, drawing on his recent research into the topic. Jon will discuss the different models that are being deployed, the use cases (including managing sustainability and private asset data) and insights into the types of services that firms require, such as standardized data validation.

Neil Robertson (Head of Hosted / Managed Services Commercial Strategy for Software Solutions, S&P Global Market Intelligence) will reveal how we are addressing the needs of the industry with our new Data Management as a Service (DMaaS) offering, which combines the capabilities of our industry-leading EDM software with the expertise of our global team. He will explain how the service has been designed to relieve the operational burden on firms and enable them to harness a wealth of product and domain knowledge, by outsourcing a wide range of processes to us, including market and reference data management, exception management and data quality checks.

Join us to learn more about new opportunities to scale your data ops, while leveraging the expertise of a specialist provider.

Jon Chandler
Research Director
Cutter Associates
Neil Robertson  
Head of Hosted / Managed Services Commercial Strategy for Software Solutions  
S&P Global Market Intelligence  
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